Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Another achievement in the world of words
Here is the Paper:
Creating Knowledge Power:
Without knowledge there would hardly be any difference between man and animal.
Knowledge has played a key role in the evolution of mankind with the first
invention of the wheel to today’s nanotechnology. USA, stands as the superpower
today because it is powerful and powerful because it creates the most knowledge
and implements it.The world would be a naked child without knowledge, and no
wonder that more than half of the world is in that stage of evolution, begging the
parental super power for economic charity and military security.
India was also amongst them. Today it is emerging, and unlike other emerging
countries, our strength has been knowledge. We were late in the modern evolution
of mankind in the form of industrialization and the computer and space
phenomena. Never the less we have caught up. Yet a lot has to be done to reach the
The first step in that direction is to make knowledge accessible to the major part of
the 1 billion population which still lives in the world of darkness marred by
ignorance and apathy. Accessible education is the only solution which can only be
implemented when the mass realizes the importance of it, and the education projects
are implemented rigorously in the down trodden sections of the society.
The second step would indeed be knowledge creation. The universities, which are
the temples of learning, can play the most crucial role. Encouraging innovative
thinking in the colleges is the ideal solution. The students can only work in that
direction if they happen to love the subjects they learn. Thus in this regard, making
university education more liberal, where the student has more freedom to choose
subjects that he likes,and thus is able to give his best. The present redundant system
of education in the form of rigorous, compulsory and out-of-date courses and strict
examinations has to be changed where in the system becomes self sufficient in
knowledge creation as well as innovative and critical thinking is evolved.
When knowledge is created, it itself finds its way to be implemented. When a
student is thinking on his feet, he would be more self-aware and confident to
implement that knowledge in the form of entrepreneurship and scientific research
as well as teaching his fellow colleagues and junior students. Hence, it is vital that
better university system comes up, by encouraging liberal system and more efficient
faculties who would encourage the students to search for knowledge themselves.
More universities and colleges are indeed needed, but those which exist have to be
reformed immediately and that should be our priority. Indeed the IITs and IIMs
are the best examples.
Today the knowledge industries like finance, engineering and software is what
empowers the US economy. Knowledge is in our genes and once we are able to open
ourselves and look beyond the basic needs of family and getting a job, we can
definitely defeat the US economy. This indeed needs initiatives at the macro level of
the political and economic system.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Its been long that a movie like Fashion was released. Hats off to Madhur Bhandarkar with equal accolades to Priyanka Chopra to carry off the role so well. This movie did have a definite taste of his own and Madhur did not make it the same as his previous movies. This was a movie which was a bit hatke as compared to his last few like Corporate and Page 3 where there was more emphasis on the story and the background on which it was different. More so they had had a very grim and heavy ending, leaving everything to be so evil. But this movie is different. Its more about individuality and the struggle he or she faces while rising up the ladder to success.
The story starts with Priyanka Chopra as a middle class Chandigarh girl who dreams big and whats to make a mark in the fashion industry,after she wins a local beauty contest. but like most middle class families she meets with a strong no co operation from her father.Still determined to make it big,she enters the fashion world and her struggle to stardom has been beautifully depicted by Madhur Bhandarkar. The real situation starts when success gets into her head and her attitude turns into arrongance. And then begins her fall. But with time and encouragement from her closest few she struggles to rise up again. The difficulties that one faces in that situation when one starts again from the begining and how tough then it becomes,even more tough than it was starting new is once again very well depicted well by Bhandarkar. The emotions involved,the weight of self expectation and the expectation of others with their real faces upfront more so on the ground that you have lost your self confidence and hope from your own self is very well shown here. Ultimately Priyanka manages to do it..albeit once again,which is actually the tough part.
This Movie is Priyanka's. Hats off to the actress for the splendid performance. She will surely take it all this time. Her day has come now. All the film fare awards would be singing only one name:best actress Priyanka Chopra. Madhur has indeed done a splendid job and he has left no stone unturned to show the darkness behind the glamour world.
The stroy which essentially is the stroy of the struggle, rise and then fall and then again struggle and rise finally has been beautifully told with the Fashion industry in its background. Kangana Ranaut too has given a great performance, but nothing much can be added to her role. Over all the movie in simple words is superb.
The essential theme is all about the ambition of a person that he/she does not realize that in the pursuation of this ambition he looses so many things and he/she is not conscious about the cost that he has to pay for the ambition he/she fulfills. As long he/she is conscious about the price that he/she is paying then its fine. If not then it indeed is a big price that he/she has paid when he/she looks back and sees it. Its all about being ambitious and knowing where you are going and conscious about the price that you are paying. As long as you acknowledge that you would always enjoy the success for when you reach the pinnacle,its very lonely up there,and one must be aware of this fact. I don't mean to say that given this fact that one must not pursue success,its just that one must acknowledge the reality of success.
The other aspect of the movie which has been beautifully shown is the fact that one most not judge others on one's own barometer of success and one must learn to accept others as they are as well as where they stand today in life and whatever compromises they have made.This is one theme that has been beautifully shown. Hats off to Madur Bhandarkar once again. I guess there are thinking filmmakers surely out there, but if you want to see an intelligent film maker,then Madhur Bhandarkar surely fits the bill.
Star rateing: 5star
Must watch in a theatre. Go ahead watch it today.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Know thyself:the true way....
Every scriptures,every great pair of lips,every academia speaks of this:

Know thyself.
But don't we know ourselves....take the case of myself:
I am Ravi Manoram, student of DCE, blah,blah,blah..........
but then what is meant by Know thyself.... oh ok! Height and weight right. he he he well I am tall enough and heavy enough...and so must you all be knowing about yourselves....then what the fuck is know thyself.
Oh, maybe the food I like,the songs and movies I like...the clothes I like... yes now it is that I am moving in the right direction......
Well actually it was through this way that I started to move that I finally realized what actually is meant by KNOW THYSELF.

Well 'know thyself' not only means all the above but much more than that. My name,my qualification etc. are something which this society has given me, so am I not another of those in the herd. Who am I then???
Or is it that the whole concept of individuality is useless and a inhibits the development of the society. More so,is it so difficult to find our individuality, do we have to really go into the caves of some obscure hill the high mountains of Himalayas...!
Certainly not...
Ourself is here...we are here..... we have to be a aprt of this society..... we are all our own individuality yet to an extend we don't go about finding it....
Individuality is all about responsibility. Responsibility of ourselves. TO some extend if we look abck and forth, we shall realize that we have been running away from ourselves. We our so weak from inside that we always need some external force to guide us, be responsible for us, govern us and set rules for us. Can't we have the courage to go about our own.
Well lost in the thoughts of these I realized, I needed to march on this uncomfortable journey to know myself. It was indeed painful, somewhere I gained immensely somewhere I lost alot. But it was nota zero sum game. The things that one learns finally is something that one takes back forward in life....
To know thyself the first step in the journey in this direction,start being skeptical. Start disbelieving everything. Reason for everything. Well now I don't mean to say that when you see adog you start to question that oh, is it a dog, no certainly not. What I mean by being skeptical is that you start disbelieving everything that you think you should not believe or that you don't find any reason to believe except for the fact that if you don't believe that, you actually fear that. I mean to say that fear becomes the force that makes you believe it. Reason everything.
The second step in this direction is to overcome this very fear that makes you skeptical. yes fight it out. Well you can't do something like shoo shoo and the fear will go away. You need to handle it. You need to understand that your heart cares for you, that is why it fears for for you. But sometimes it can be unreasonable, fearing the monsters created by the figment of man's own imagination. Its that very time that you need to walk ahead. Look in the abyss and light the torch of enlightment. The enlightment of your inner soul, the inner self.What I mean to say is that walk ahead,acknowledge the fear, walk in the face of it, reason out your fear whether it is real or no and then move on.........
The third step in this direction of knowing yourself is to start listening to your inner voice. It says something, sometimes what you do in the outside world and what your inner voice tells you to do are two different things.... learn the art of balancing the both,for you cannot live without either. So start listening to it,start talking to it,and you shall very soon realize that it is a new being inside you. A new self, a new person whom you did not discover in all this time.
Well there could be many things, but to give you a vague idea, start believing in yourself, start reading alot,start doing things in the world that you actually want to do,and stop just being a puppet, dancing at the pull of some mysterious force. You need to balance between this thought and action.
Remember this is not easy,the toughest journey I think is to undertake the journey from oneself to oneself.
But once you reach there, it is worth it.And don't worry you won't be alone,and there will be something that shall always be with you,yourself.And at this moment let me reveal a fact to you,everyone knows about you but you yourslef,but everyone just pretends for the fear the fact, that they too don't know about themselves.

Saturday, September 6, 2008
Self Motivation and what it is not
Friday, August 29, 2008
Fear of self
Fear of society
Fear of success
Fear of pain and hard work

You name it, and there are hundreds of fear out there lurking in the darkness of our mind, making us surrender to our knees,asking us to forget success rather think about our insecurity or failure. Yes indeed,I am talking about that kind of a fear.
There are two kinds of fear, existential and hypothetical or self created/self believed ones.
Existential fear, like the fear of lions if you happen to have one is good, fear of jumping into a high current river,fear of slapping your teacher because the consequences would not be very encouraging,etc etc are the good kinds of fear and I shall not want to touch them here. Let us all have this kind of fear,for they itself make us human enough to love and care for our existence.
But what about the fears that are non existent. That take us away from our own well beings and keeps us confined to the life like that of in a ghetto.

The kind of fear that I am talking about.....yes you got it...the fear of failure when you want to do something new,something different in life. That is the kind of fear that sucks,and to an extent we are sucked because we allow it suck us.
Take for an example,if you are caught in a certain stream of a career in your life. Though this career provides you with security that you feel is required at the moment, but what about it in the future and in the near future. One day you tend to realize that your present sucks and you want to change it for the better and for the future. But do you do? No you don't. Why? Though you want to try something else but that something else is so something else that someone else from some other else's place has not tried to do this very something else.What I was trying to say is that you try to do something which is out of the box and people have not done it,and this something comes at a cost which you do not want to part with. We wan a gurantee that this something else that I wish to try has to be a success. But no. We can't. Because actually if you are successful,then you are successful or you are not. That is as simple as that. This thing usually happens when we want to try something creative,or when we want to enter a particular field which people say is very risky and some crap like that. Do we try?No.

"Throughout the centuries there were men who took first steps down new roads armed with nothing but their own vision"
--Ayn Rand
Yes that is the confidence that is indeed required. But what she says,is it possible? Well I don't know how to answer that question,but for certainly I can say that yes it is NOT impossible.
So how do we get to the affirmative state of the possibility? At the moment I just said that it is not impossible, that is very much a positive statement but it is not an affirmative statement. Why? simply because we are not speaking it that way and that requires confidence.
So from where is the confidence going to come?
For confidence to come I guess the biggest indicator is self awareness. Yes that is one quality or thing we need to have. Self awareness! Most of the people tend to run away from themselves. They never like staying alone,why, because they tend to hear voices which comes out from their own,but it seems so like a stranger. Yes, that is the unconscious voice, the voice that connects to the reservoir of knowledge,of everything. That is the voice that is telling you what you ought to do. I guess Paulo Co
Confidence also comes from one of its biggest ally,self love. I am not talking about naricissiom, which people tend to get confused with, but purely self love. That is to say, doing things that you love and are good for you and match your skills. Thus in a way,developing your USP. At this point someone would say,I love to see moives so what should I do,keep watching movies or what. Well the question is can you? Well from now on try watching the movies that you don't like and then tell me,how you feel? Become a movie critic for that matter? Well let me assure you you will have the worse time of the day if you only watch the movies for entertainment purpose and when you will have to do that as a profession. There is marked difference. Thus check your premises, most probably something is wrong.
Self love is not punishing yourself and doing things at the cost of yourself. How many times have you compromised on your career choice just because of some obscure reason like family and stuff? I am not talking about compromises where you give up Berger for aloo tikki just because your girlfriend wants to eat aloo tikki. I am talking about specific life and career goals. When you compromise on that level,I can assure you disaster awaits you as well as your loved ones for whom you compromised.

The point is fear can be removed and confidence brought in,and yes that dos require hard work.
Rest is up to you.
Hope things be good and you achieve what you want.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Little did I know that this movie would have had that profound effect on me when I first watched it yeste

Ok first, the a little briefing of the movie.
Evan Taylor or should I say August Rush(played by freddie Highmore), is a orphan. Rest of the boys in the orphanage call him a freak, why because he thinks he can listen to music,he can listen to his parents and that is what connects him to them. They bully him, taunt him, but he never gives up his faith in music.
So one day he he follows the music,leaves his orphanage in search of his parents. He believes music will take him to them and he lands up in the main city of New York. There starts his adventure and his tryst with music. He is discovered to be a child prodigy by first a street man,called wizard(played by Robbin Williams), who makes alot of money using his talent. Later he lands up in the Julliard school of Music where his talent is cared and honed.

"The music is all around us,all we have to do is open ourselves and listen."
Such is the beauty of life,explained in its simplicity.The story very well told, the movie is a musical treat,and emotional journey told through the life of a young eleven year old.The direction and screen play was great. Hardly did I feel the movie had any mistakes. This is a movie that cannot be judged by mind,but by the virtue of your heart and intuition, maybe that is what is love. The only feeling that could describe you after you have watched this movie is contentment. Its been long that such a movie was made, which takes u

Watch it, thats what I can say, sail through this ocean of emotions, for the words are not enough to describe,for sometimes,the best things in life are experienced, and learnt through the language of words.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The trumpet to the war has been blown
lol! Well the war is between me a nd and my sense of fear and insecurity that lurks inside me everytime. Ok I am confusing you even more.
the point of writing this post is purely selfish and a way to curb my one weakness through another.
Ye indeed. I wanted to be on my own for sure. Atleast if not my own then I should make an effort to get into a sector in which I preferably have an interest in.
Thus this is a post that signifies the giving up of my old self and embracing the new. Yes the new.
Since my the inception of the 2nd year I searched for ways and means to enhance my personal self and my personal interests. Infact to be more specific I was in search for the truth, finding what the real answers were to questions pertaining to life and living,career,sex,relationships,human nature,etc etc. Well now I am in the fourth year and most of these answers have been found and really I find alot of joy in now living in sync with the reality, and somewhere down the line, the trilogy of Matrix has a great role to play in i for whenever I saw the movies, I always felt some kind of a restless to answer many of those questions myself.
Amongst those questions and answers were those related to interests,passion,life,career and one's individual creativity and his special attributes that he is born with.Of all that I agree with PAulo Coelho,one of the most imminent ones is the fact that everyone is born with some talent inside him that moves in sync with his unconscious doing things like an automated robot,far more superior in the sense that it self programs itself everytime and does not require any instruction from everyone,even God for now God is already a part of him.
I did I find a few fields that I am passionate about,and one of them primarily being the art of writing.
Since the days of my childhood,I wrote alot of things. My poems and articles used to be published in school magazines,and I wrote and won in many essay competitions. SOmetimes I used to write my diary and I didn't know when I used to overflow and thus run into many pages where I had just scheduled a couple of pages to be written. But never the less this art could never be nurtured. This talent laid in the frying burn and it kept getting burnt and cooked in the labrinyth of destiny. My secondary schooling in an army school,played havoc in this regard. Though I would not actually like to blame the system for it,though it taught me alot of things like courage,valor, fighting and taking a stand,etc etc typical of the army life, yet I was never able to nurture this talent of mine there,for it was never valued in such an environment where a goal in the football game brought more cheers and recognition,or a parade performance brought more respect then academic things like doing well in the class and intellectuality.How this did make my overall personality,which I must admit I could not maintain post Sainik Scool life.
but a far greater degree of a problem to this non development of this art was that,unlike other creativity this filed had no formal grounf,atleast in India. Those who wrote books were too profoundly intellectual to be compared, and the art of creativity was limited to things like,painting,music,dramatics etc. Nevertheless,I had a ginger in each of these fields coz I enjoyed them all,but of course I never excelled exceptionally in these fields because I was never greatly talented in them.
Thus I always chose a main stream of a career and finally landed up in engineering. It wasn't that I was afraid to get a bullet on my chest in the army, the more imprtant thing was I felt caged in that kind of life, where like RGV's "Darna mana hai", the life in army,which I felt was like "sochna mana hai". And taking orders like a medicine was not my cup of tea. I was comfortably rebellious even in that strict environment,and have left enough marks for the school to remember.
Thus out of an effort to escape from the armed forces,out of an effort to escape from my father's idea of me pursuing a medicine course and lack of awareness of other lucratvie career options other than the ordinary graduation, I chose engineering. Never the lessI am atleast happy for the fact that I made a conscious choice back then,and it was far more a weighed option because at time the only advanced option that I considered was MBa,and in IIMs 90% people are from the engineering fraternity.
Well in pursuit of a life in that direction,I have finally did things that would propel me that way,one of them was alot of reading for english. Thus once again destiny was bringing me back to my own track.And once again,when I began to read,I got so invloved in the mysteries and intricacies of life that I forgot everything. I read alot,much more than my bulky engineering books would want me to.
And here I am. Amindst that journey of mine,when did this desire of mine become so strong that I wanted to be a writer,I don't know. When this passion for literature developed, I don't know.But for one thing I knew,my line of writing was much more better than English literature guys albeit minus its technicalities,like grammar,sentences etc,which I guess they were better.
So finally I have chosen. I am going to developa web 2.0 site,.a content based site and at the moent I have two books in mind. All these things require an effort,alot of effort indeed...and I really wanted to share this because I was frightened a bit, I too was feeling a little insecure,I too wanted a job and thus save myslelf from the pain of going on the road the road less travelled,whose future I did not know,but the present was certainly painful,and more painful is the begining,where everything is in a state of darkness not knowing where the road shall take me too,but never the less I have decided that I shall follow it and make my own fault.
The onlyb consolation prize that I have,is whenever I look back,I would not say that I could have done this, I could have done that,instead of living in the past later on,and living in the future now in the paradoxical sense that I shall do so and so in the future when I am comfortable and and secure, I chose to do it now. If life is not worth living now,then when??? And how am I to know whether I shall be success or failure in the time to come? The answer to all these is simple I do not know. And I can only know if I shall do it. I can only know if I shall put into practice what needs to be or ought to be done. I can only know the future if plan to make to one. But yes if I leave it to the heaven to guide me,then god knows when those people will fall asleep and I shall go astray for who knows,those up there in the heaven are usually old people who have died and gone p there,and old grandpas are prone to making alot of mistakes./
Thus its better that I trust my own intution and judgement and move on. Its better I believe in myself and make a decision,the decision maybe wrong, but yes even wrong decisions made by one ownself teaches you alot, because you are with it every step judging and weighing its pros and cons everytime.
Thus the trumpet has been blown. The war begun,no more shall I be lack lustre in my decisions and ways of life. Its easy to blog and write about ways of life and success and following the different path and all that stuff,the difficult part is actually implementing them with a strong vision in mind and a strong desire in the heart to make it happen.
Michael Phelps:The man who swam to the status of being a Legend

If you google a little you shall get the list of all his wins. Surely this man swims like a butterfly in the water. but whats more interesting apar from his grand success at the Olympics is his past,which is something I would like to share with you all.
Born oon June 30,1985 ,eveerything was said to be abnormal about this wonder kid,for which he did really have a very tough childhood.At the time of his birth he was 9 pounds,6 ounces and 223 inches. Almost one and a half times the normal kids.Michael was a freak since his childhood and demonstrated tremendous physical attributes while equally dull in academics. his teachers used to hate him.He was even taken to psychiatrist for a check up and he was diagnosed with ADHD(Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).His teachers complained he could not sit still,focus nor do well in academics and was always with Bs,Cs and Ds. he was also medicated with Ritalin, a drug to treat hyperactivity. He was 9 then. If that was not all, he grew like crazy with abnormal height and shape,with big arms and big ears. Surely, this seemes like a situation in the movie X-Men, where people were mutated to abnormality which was also actually their very strength,wait even more than that their super power.He was bullied by his friends in the school bus for this,and when he hit back and whacked one,he was suspended for a week from the school bus. His mother indeed had a tough time,and at that time she was enrolled in a course,was on the verge of divorce and had an abnormal kid.Wow, seriously, life is indeed stranger than fiction and of course even more thrilling.
But by 9, Michael was exposed to swimming,his sister almost made it to the swimming US national team but due to an injury she could not make it finally.

Bby 15 he was at the Olympics,at 16 he had his first world record,and by 19,at the 2004 Olympics he had had his 8 medals,6 of them gold.
Michael once considered deformities prove to be his golden goose,his platform for success and his USP. LEt us have a more closer look at it:
Physical attributes:
6ft 4 inches tall
arms span:6ft 7 inches
His disproportionately long torso allows him to generate force from the body's core.Can shunt great volumes of water behind him,which allows him to save energy by using fewer strokes than others.
His amazing stamina is due to his unique physiological attributes. Under aerobic strain,he produces far less lactic acid than other atheletes. This acid,together with other metabolic products,interferes with a muscle contraction and leads into fatque.

After he set the 100m butterfly world record in 2003, Michael's blood lactate level was an absurdly low 5.6 millimoles/litre of blood,half or 1/3rd that of other top swimmers. He can also tolerate high levels of blood lactate and swim at full pace on levels that would make other athelets crawl.
Mental attributes:
Michael's mind is like a clock. He can go into the 200m butterfly knowing he needs to do first 50m in 24.6 to break the record and can put that time in his head and make his body do that 24.6 exactly.
Truly Michael is exceptional. And this characteristics of his has given him enough trouble in his childhood. Never the less due to his mother's love and his coaches guidance, he finally was able to chanellize his strength and achieve the victory which can only go on to make him a legend. In this days of nuclear weapon and automated weapons,it seems man's truest physcial and mental valour has been left in the sport's arena to be shown and indeed, Michael has shown what he is capable of.
His success also serves a lesson for all we normal homo sapians, that do not make fun of others, do not taunt and describe others absurdity as in a negative way. Especially the teachers,who ought to help the students in a certain way but instead they go after him like a witch who can only spit evil. these morons of the society need pay heed and look up to this man. So before you point your finger at some abnormal person that you think he might be, just remember he could be a mutated X-Man, and beware,for the day he unleashes his energy or his wrath,for the next would be a day in history either for the reasons of the holy or maybe evil.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Abhinav Bindra...the man of the moment...

How much accolades and praises we give to this man at the moment would be still less as compared to the feat he has achieved at the moment. Abhinav Bindra,the winner of the Gold medal in the 10m rifle shooting event, is today a living history.
Accolades and praises have been pouring in since the moment he clinched the medal but still many questions are still to be answered.
Bindra who happens to be belonging to a very affluent business family from chandigarh is also a CEO of his own company. His father is also a very successful business man.
Well the thing that I wish to point out here is that India has hardly any role to play in the success of this man except for giving him a birth to participate in the Beijing Olympics. Bindra has trained in the shooting range built in his backyard in Bindra Farms and used to train in Germany with the beautiful german coach that you all must have seen in the newspapers. He did not even practice in the obsolate shooting range built in the jungles of south Delhi.......... Clearly Abhinav Bindra has proved to be a self made man and that does add more charm to his already glamouring charisma at the moment.
Well he was rich,he was talented and he made it. He fulfilled his dreams despite the fact that the state neglected to meet the needs of the basic infrastructure that would actually have made him a great shooter. Neverthe less made it to the top himself, got all the resources himself and never faultered in his aim. That is itself quite an amazing thing itself.
His success is indeed historical. My purpose here was to just to show the pains and the efforts that he went at length to get to the place he wanted to be. Isn't that wonderful? Isn't that amazing? Isn't that like living a life that is more amazing than fiction? His self determination has brought him the laurels that he much deserved. Today he has surpassed the names of all the great sportsperson that this country has produced. Indeed Abhinav Bindra is a living history.

Let us all take inspiration from this man at the moment, and let us choose to do something commendable that the world that shall come remember us for our deeds. Neverthe less I would like to mention that today I feel so inspired by his rare feat and that I must say,he has given me the strength to follow my dreams, the dreams which I was so stumbling to follow, no more shall my feat dwindle, no more shall I have the doubt, for now I know that the success which is at the hand's length, sometimes requires alot of grit and hard work to reach it........
My best wishes to Abhinav...the 26 yr old...and may he inspire the greatness in all of us...that is somewhere lost and hidden......
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Yes indeed. Sometimes our life takes such twists and turns that it really seems like living a real story more surprising then Robert Ludlum's fiction. Yes and it is in these twists and turns that sometimes we are hit by such a roadbloak that we don't know where to move. We are engaged by nsecurity,laziness and fear. More so hopelessness. The situation is even worse sometimes when you are a living a life with a fate that has been written by you on your palm,the dictats of an astrologer is ruled by the actions that you commit and everytime you prove your fortune teller wrong.
So what are these life's most defining moments. Indeed they are not those when we are a super confident,or atleast confident,but usually at times when we are most depressed and in the dark,wrapped not by the warmth of our mother's hug but sheer desperation and fear. Yes indeed those are the defining moments in our life when we don't make decisions out of insecurityand live our life in the pothole, but at these moments it becomes necessary that we keep our heads on our shoulders and continue fighting. These are the moments when not only the external factors are hostile to us bu we feel it from inside. Except for our head,nothing works well, except for saying give it up,give it up. And if we are able to fight our weak self withing and conquer it and come out a winner then no one can stop us. yes no one can stop us. The most difficult battle that we wage is the person withing us. IF we are able to conquer ourselves,the world just remains to be a playfield in that typical sense merely waiting for us to venture out and show ourselves. The mind,the heart the soul. Once all of them have unified, then nothing can stop us. When our reason works well with our emotions,and the duo are alligned to our spiritual selves, then noone can stop us. Noone can simply stop us. Best of luck to you all in your battle against these defining moments in of your life.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
THE BAWANA CHAINSAW MASSACRE: Fight over "the elective"
Who would have thought that a petty issue would lead to a deathly row. The Bawana Chainsaw massacre would go down as the bloodiest event to have taken place in the History of youthful India.
59 students died. None was left even in the state of being taken to the Hospital. They cried for help,only to shut down the cries of the other, forever. such was the degree gory in the Massacre that took place in the Grounds of DCE, the bloodiest ever fight amongst the students.
So how did it all start. There was this all nuts guy called Ravi Manoram. Something struck his head. Well usually something or the other keeps striking his head,like once a fan broke from the ceiling and hit on his head,he surviived though. The other time,he stuck his coffee mug on his head. The coffee mug made of china clay,broke,but later he realized when his mom came and asked for the coffee mug. the other time he broke his cell phone,thanks to himself,for he got a brand new Motorola v3i,thus emptying his dad's pocket by 10000/- . And numerous such events have taken in history but his head continues to burden his already over heavy shoulders.
but this time it was different with Ravi. This time an idea struck him,which of course rarely does. SO he goes on the net and posts on the class group.Yes the class group of 2K5-IT.After all he was an engineer.No wonder he was so blunt head.
So he posts on the class group that we should an elective this time and not let the teachers decide the elective.
Novel idea indeed,but everyone was afraid to reply,for they never thought that a genuinine idea could strike a blunt head. Though with his head,he had struck many a mouth and had broken many a teeth.
Thus for a few days noone posted. Then one sudden morning Sunny da,brave soul,who also happens to keep very short head,so he could understand the frequency of Ravi,and thus agreed with him. soon a string of replies followed with Vaibhav and Cheenu also followed. Thus the thread grew longer and longer. well everyone agreed that the blunt head had brought out a brilliant idea.
But as in all the good stories,there has to be someone,who worse than a blunt head would come out with an idea,that would put others to shame. It had to be JAtin Kataria,a fellow techie. So he wanted Pattern Recognition as an elective,thus disagreeing with Ravi Manoram over IT in Marketing Management. Wow everyone else thought," If we also shout the same elective,we will look intelligent and thoughtful." Secondly if they sout for PR,which was a highly impossible elective,they wouldn't have to bother with any elective choosing stuff and thus carry on whatever shit elective the college gives them. Thus started the journey of conspiracy. The college had decided to give Digital Signal Processing(DSP) as an elective. Well some students remained silent as to give their choice of elective as they were afraid to hurt the sentiments of the college authorities. DSP in short stands for Did u SHIT & Piss,. So such is the extent of uselessness of this grand subject. First it is tough. It is a crap. And no one understands a bit in it. yet a few girls and guys did vouch for DSP. Reason being simple. Its a tough subject so no one understands a bit. Thus everyone remains in the equal playing field.None gets to do well. So who finally does well in the subject. Those who attend the class with as much as 75% attendance,tose who mug up the class notes completely and those who are able to impress the teachers. Submit the assignments on time(though usually cheated from eachother and from seniors),and yes if have been doing the same crap stuff for the past semesters and so teacher will look at you favourably. Thus finally they do well in the exam. Are they judged on knowledge certainly not.
Well so finally we had three pillars of concentration: the PR gang headed by Jatin,the MM gang headed by Ravi and the DSP gang headed by Nitin. Thus started the war of words. Mothers,grand mothers,sisters,girlfriends none were spread. The fights reached its its height of obscenity. Even girls came along bringing in the fathers,grand fathers,brothers,boyfriends. Clearly the three gangs abused whom idn't matter. What mattered is that someone abused someone else. When they got tired of the inter gang they started within the gang.
Then suddenly Mohit came along with his words of wisdom. First he gave his views on Marketing Management. His view was that since he is giving CAT so why should he study MM. FIne,but the actual elective was IT in MM. So if this was a business subject,why the hell was it included in the Engg curriculum,this was the thought of the blunt head Ravi Manoram.So sometimes he thinks eh. So what do did others want. Robotics,PR DSP. Damn shit. Do they realize the utility of a subject like MM. No they wouldn't. They just wanted to make some noise. MM was a subject which had its usefulness in every field of life that one entred into. Leave alone Engineering. MAybe you liked a girl, and wanted to propose her. MM would certainly help u market yourself well and thus give a proper presentation to your proposal. But no. All they want is to study crap. Live in the Wisdom of shit.
So finally Ashish came along and gave the idea that we meet in the OAT of the DCE campus. Everyone agreed. But of course they were frightened. So each one thought lets protect themselves. Some came with kitchen knife, some with the nail cutter knife,but they came with something. Some had Rampuris with them. Some had the 420 churi used by pocket maars. Some had chains with them,some thought chains were good so they brought the dog chains with them. If that was not enough,some even brought spoon and fork. Thought knives would be dangerous. Some even had a pistol. Some were empty handed,thought Gandhianism was the best weapon. The blunt head Ravi came with khukri,a big knife he had since his Dajeeling days,a deadly weapon used by the gorkhas.You could chop off the head in one shot.
So they all gathered at the OAT. Well but before a word of friendliness could be uttered,someone abused someone else. It had to be the bad mouth Nitin,hurling something like "bakwaas band kar" at Ravi. Ravi,a blunt head,who never thinks twice took out his khukri and lo and behold,Nitin was in two pieces. Thus started the bloody war. A little confusion like"bakwaas band kar" which was taken as an abuse started the gory war. Soon everyone was out with his weapon. The girls were amazingly prepared too. Some head pepper spray mixed with chloroform,some came like CATwoman, with iron claws, for some their teeth was enough. While some other girls tought they just could wag their tounge nd kill people with their constant talking.
Soon hands were moving,kicks flying at the butts,some on faces, knives started to taste blood,they really looked hungry since ages. Some said "DSP hamara hai",some shouting for PR,some for Marketing Management. .... soon the OAT was bathed in blood. Some had torn stomachs,some broken teeth,some broken head,some who had their head seperated from their body,yet their heads shouting for their elective. Damn such was the spirit....but none stopped. Some were strangling the other to death,then some doing something else. Even the girls were not spread,first they fought amongst themselves,then with the boys. Sunny da was also not far behind. He had come with a chinese sword,thin sharp and swift,thus cutting his enemies into two. The people with the nail cutter knives were amazingl adept at it too. they managed to score some deathlyblows. The kitchen knoves walas, cut their enemies like vegetables. Spreading no one. The only thing they wished were a stove to fry them on. Such was the gory war. such was the massacre.
Ravi's khukri scored the most,having had killed many with single blows. When his khukri got tired he used his blunt head. They broke the opposite into pieces. So in one such situation,someone moved from the way and he banged with the wall. His head split into two. So with his right hand he held his split head together and with his left hand he continued to kill with his khukri.
The Gandhians were also not far behind. They had brought salt from the Dandi march and were throwing at their enemies eyes.Some even shoving it into the mouth,killing them of high blood pressure. Oh yes they had the Gandhiji wala danda. With that heavy stick they broke many a neck and heads.
Soon the war came to an end,and somehow or the other everyone was wriggling on the ground,they didn't even get water to drink. So they started to drink each others blood. Damn the pollution that is in our eating and drinking habits.As it is we all are cold drink addicts. So what happened when people started to drink each others blood.They started to die. Why? Because the blood had high concentration of pesticide,after all cold drink addicts.
Only Ravi was left till the last. His heavy body could absorb alot of pesticide. No wonder he advices all to eat alot. 58 of the students were lying there dead. Someone informed the principal. Even the Hod was informed. They came running. They saw Ravi,the only one alive. They rushed to him and asked what happened and why did everyone get involved in afight. What was the reason ? Whats all this?
Ravi could only say one thing: "Its the BAWANA CHAINSAW MASSACRE: The fight for the elective." and click a candle that blows off he died,for he lived only till the time to tell someone this. Everyone bowed to the dead. Noone spoke,no one questioned,for everyone understood,what this bloody fight was all about.
PS: The above is a work of fiction,and should not be assumed with the reality. the copyrights remain with the author,though you are free to distribute.
Monday, July 7, 2008
The ISB Experience :PART III
The story doesn't end here.....
During the evening of June 25th, we got a chance to have mone great masti.We got a free entry to Taj Krishna,The Taj hotel in Hyderabad.And what's more 25th was a Wednesday so that spells,a girl's night day....so at Ahala,the disc cum bar at the Taj,we all rocked for a while,had some good drinks(u can guess it,need I say more), and were back in the campus.
26th June was the day when all of us had to depart,though I had planned to be back on 27th,so I had a day extra. From 3 in the morning,people were streaming out of ISB slowly and gradually....
So what did I do alone, I went to the library,read a couple of guides on finance and stuff, and in the afternoon,I ventured out in the unknown of Hyderabad...something which I love to do..the benefit of venturing out alone are many.
First you don't have chatterboxes beside you who would actually eat your head and you are free to concentrate on the sight seeing and try and see new things in the already existing reminiscence of the great past....
Anyways so I went to the Charminar ,and boy the monument did look good. The surrounding was pathetic,rest was fine though. So I clicked some pics there,whatever angles I could judge to be the best. The best one was the the picture I took from the middle of the street. The divider was too thin to keep the traffic segregated. Yet I stood on it and went clicking click click click.
So after finishing with it,I went to the nearby Mecca Masjid. A Monumental place indeed,too bad a bomb blast had taken place her killing many. ... Yet the place looked magnificent.
Then it was time to move on. I went to Golconda Fort,the reason for the existence of the Hyderabad city. Here it was where Md. Tuli,kept the name of the Hyderabad city as Hyderabad city after the name of his wife....who first I don't remember had some Hindu name which she converted to Hydera,or something like that.......
I returned to the campus that day and the next day ie,the 27th of June I with bag and baggage,vacated ISB completely. I then went to the Nampalli station where I could get a bus to the Ramoji Film City. As usual,I arrived late. And all the buses had left by 10. So what were my options...reserve an auto or a taxi which would have cost me a bomb. While the bus trip(to and return) would have cost me a mere 150/- to reserve an ato meant shelling 400/- or a taxi 600/-... as if I was willing to shell so much. So I did some research,went and talked to a few locals in their style of broken Hindi with a South Indian touch, and they indeed helped me alot. ?They guieded me to Khotti Station form where I could get a local bus to Ramoji Film City for a mere 10/-...damn what a price,even cheaper thean the earlier option of reserving the bus. So took an auto went to the Khoti bus station,caught the bus and here I was at the Ramoji film city,.....
Ramoji Film City:
A magnificient place indeed.But the entry was 300/- but worth it. a 2000 acres(or hectares) I don't remember,spread amongst the beautiful plateau and a little jungle, Ramoji was indeed a place worth visiting.So from the entrance gate we sat on a bus that after a 15-20 min drive took us inside. And wow,what a plce magical indeed. I had never been to a Film City and indeed it was an great experience. We saw how the shooting is done,how sound mixing is done. A nice thrilling expereince in the Ramoji Tower. and then the sight seeing at the different sets. There was a polic station(shot in many movies), the Hospital(whereMunnabhai studied :-) )....the place where RGV's jungle was shot,duplicate Gateway of India,Taj Mahal, Mughal Garden,bus station, market...... to say the least it was an awesome experience......
So by the time I returned to the main city it was 7 and time tro return to Delhi......
Indeed a magnificient journey to Hyderabad,... it was fun as well as a learning experience.....I simpli loved these 4-5days there...
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The ISB Experience: PART II
Well the thing is,as ususal I have this tendency to be late at class so here to happened. It was scheduled that we we would be attending Dr. Prashant Kale's class,an eminent prof... from the Univ of Michigan,who had flown down to teach at ISB,cool na...the ISB ppl say the corporate world would give anything to attend his class and that we were lucky to be attending his class at an undergrad level....Wow the first thing comes to your mind..is this...I must have done something good in my life to achieve this.....
Well then in order to not to miss his class,I skipped breakfast and rushed in to the class with others...As it was expected,a very nice personality greeted us and we took seats in the corner,with a strict warning not to disturb the class...I mean we were children as compared to these oldies at ISB..he he he...
Anyways the class beagn and I simply loved it,with a right mixture of interaction,slide show and blackboard(actually not blackboard but a whiteboard)....he took the class wonderfully through the two hours......there is this system of 30% of your marks for class interaction and ppl were jumping off their seats to answer...and this does result into crap answers.....anyways..barring a few the class was indeed lovely....it was about competitive strategy in the international scene...with case studies of Domino's and the Wine industry....at the end of the day it was all use of brains that mattered more rather than the stacked up knowledge in your head.
So the class finished off......then at 2 we had to give a presentation about our expeirence and stuff,then the certis distributed.....and finally..we were free,.....
What I really cherished about ISB was the interaction with students,attending class and the Hospitality. The student community was diverse,with ppl having had completed their MD in medicine and stuff who had come to attend the MBA program.....the DCE fraternity was large...but couldn't catch them....some were there even after having completed their MBA from places like FMS....foreigners and the female community constituted a good number and the engineers dominated the scene here too....damn,we are too bright for everything...we dominate almost 90% of the population at the IIMs...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
The ISB Experience
After arriving on the 23rd night at around 10, I didn't really expect that all the aarrangements would be done,and after having had my light dinner,and being tired from the journey,I planned to hit the bed.
Well the Hostels here are called Student Villages and each flat has around four rooms, coupled with two bathrooms and a nice kitchen.In all they can't be called a hostel......
wach room had a AC,a bed a nice table and everything else was cool....after all it was a nice experience staying with the student community.
24th June:
The day started with 24th June,some more people of the wordsworth gang arrived in the morning and in all we were 10,where in 2 could not make it to the campus.They had their personal problems.The spouses of a few students were assigned to guide us and they took us to to the dining centre for the breakfast. The food was good,had a lot of variety the coffee strong to wake me up. After the breakfast we went to the classrooms or should I say the lecture theatre to have a tete with a finance prof.....Indeed the experience was marvellous. Got to solve alot of queries regarding different aspects of finance.....
Then after the lunch we attended a class on competitive strategy,which was by Prof. Dishant and I really found it very impressive. How we lack in our psychological state of thinking and how things could be improved was covered here. How we assume and presume something,how we take statistics for granted,how we don't look at things from a different perspective,man I must say,I really got a feel of what business studies is all about and how much a good faculty and a world class system matters,the bigger he player yo want to be,the bigger u ought to think.....
during the evening we went to Hussain sagar lake and Lumbini Park, wading through a chaotic traffic,we reached the spot but alas! too late. It was getting dark and couldn't enjoy much. We then went to Hyderabad House and had a sumptuous meal of the Hyderabadi delicacies of Kebabs and Biryani....
We returned to the campus after that went to the library and stuff,did some net stuff,had some chit chat till the morning 3 o clock,and went to sleep at the devil's time...
Friday, June 13, 2008
ISB visit is on 24th and 25th July
I am sorry I am not able to keep you people updated with my latest posts. The only reason being a very busy schedule that does not allow me for the moment to post here. Very soon I shall be back.
Moreover my ISB visit has been confirmed on 24th and 25th June. When I return I shall keep you updated with the latest happenings.
Friday, May 30, 2008
The business of Tragedy
This is one of the most profitable venture that exists in this world and people tend to approve of it the most socially,morally and emotionally...
Hey wait a minute... am I talking crap.. business of tragedy.. how is it possible??
Well friends if you see that not all tragedies are money making milking cows,for exapmle when there was an earthquake in Gujarat people dod not make money there, rather this was truely one of the worst kind of tragedy.. but imagine other situations specially where the tragedy has occurred due to human error...
Don't believe! Keep reading on................
the first example I would keep that is of freshness is the Bhopal Gas Tragedy......
1980's was the time sonce the catastrophe took place but look at them now... still they are fighing for justice.. well that is not a problem. Infact that is good and very much humanly right.. but what is wrong is the fact that some people and organisation that tend to make money out of it.
I happened to attend a 'talk' with Indra Kumar, the writer of 'Animal People', at St. Stephens College,Delhi.Actually I had met him first at Jaipur Literature Festival where he himself had told me that he would be visiting Delhi because of the invitation from St. Stephens. Quite a chubby but influential writer... the book was good and I did buy it afterwards.
But what attracted my attention was the presence of an NGO supporting th cause of the Bhopalis there. Well initially I was quite impressed and also of the fact that their efforts were bearing fruit and that it was indeed making the Central as well as the State Govt. think about their state of being.
But slowly and gradually things began to dawn on me. Are they truely fighting for a cause.Last year too they had staged a dharna(protest) at Jantar Mantar but it only led to unfulfilled promises and so this yar they were the repeat the same stint and that they would stage a walk from Bhopal to Delhi on their legs.......
But I happened to think that these Gandhian ways of protesting and dharnas and stuff what meaning did they have or are they ust being manipulated by the NGOs. Well last year they did not get the result, this year hey wanted to walk all the way from Bhopal to Delhi to protest so what next..... Till when are they going to show such stints.... Well when they would walk from Bhpal a truck with complete medical aid would be there to help and medicate those who fall ill and more so even they happen to get tired....Why this medication....
The point is... the victims of such tragedies are already living a life of a living dead. Then how much do you want to kill them further.... Why not go after a full fledged war.. why not brak some offcies and stuff and go for a complete hunger strike that would be fast unto death..I mean they are already dead, just a piece of diseased meat hanging on a structure of bones... why not lead the remaining life for a meaningful purpose,why not fight for true justice with such a vengeance that would tantacially amount to either do or die... Its their problem... what will the world do at the most.... show their empathy and talk about the blasphemes ways of the govt. IS this what they want? Is empathy and solidarity going to fulfill their stomach,going to bring them justice... even though it has not been found who the real culprit was or the gas company was alone the sole responsible for such a henoius act...
Thus ultimately the conclusion lies that something is wrong somewhere.....
The problem is the NGOs.. they won't leave the people to die in peace and just give them a raw hope justice..... and will continue to mop up money from other sources like donations, selling of "I support the Victims" T Shirts and other such goodies at a considerably high price... stage a dramatic protest march where the protesters act like puppets and then the show is over....
If that is not all there is more... There is more... what is the biggest impact of globalisation.. that companies set up banches all over the world and thus the existing national company would face difficulties in terms of their monopolistic ways...
So what do these national companies do.... try there best to prove the ill effects of the foreign invaders by supporting such tragedies.. so that they ,the foreign companies are not able to enter India... and there you are lo and behold... people would not sentimentally approve.. it because they are human animals devoid of the power to think and thus if they would not approve of such things.. the govt' would find it difficult approving any thing of such importance and there ou are the selfish,monopolistic Indian companies are successful...........And all this is nothing but the business Of Tragedy..........
Another prime example is the Irag war....
US went ahead with the war to revive its weapons industry,to prove its superiority in the world and finally to drink some oil....
So what is the final outcome... Irag is destroyed and US companies and foreign ones too are having a jolly good time rebuilding Irag all with the tax payers money.....
The business of Tragedy...
Have you seen the movie Shindler's List...Watch it! Wonderful movie and an all time classic.
Here Shindler is a struggling German businessman who finds an oppotunity to make money when the German govt. takes anti Jewish steps like confining then in ghettos and stopping them from carrying on further commercial activities......
But Shindler utilizes this tragedy to make alot of money but ya its a different thing that his heart changes afterwards and he saves alot of Jews from going into the hrrible gas chamber..
Anyways here was the beautiful example of the gas tragedy.....
Making money out of tragedies has become a lucrative business.. recently farmers in Punjab had a bad cultivation...
Soon they were brought to Delhi wearing Sexx 'save farmers' T Shirts protesting against the govt.... and a few private enterprises... the circus lasted for a day..... and then it was over....everyone went home smiling....
Another is the Singur tragedy.. I fail to understand what was the big issue about such a thing.. the govt... was willing to relocate them(farmers) to some other place,but still the protests went on... Why MAmta Banerjee and a few NGOs found a way to milk the govt. as well as TATA. I don't think they succeeded.
The History is full of such examples.....
The Moral OF the story is : dont give to such sentimental craps publisied by ridiculous NGOs untill and unless the fight is good enough to bear results and not a media circus......
Secondly when you see a tragedy... then remember.. someone is making money out there... :-) Especially the tragedies due to human...
Keep reading .. will be back with more interesting stuff....
till then
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Back from the wild goose chase
Thats the cry that comes out first when you happen to finish your end semester exams in an engineering college,mine finished on 23rd may and still I have not recovered andits been four days since the exams were over.....
It has been a long 23 days marathon that included the practicals and all nonsense viva and stuff...and you could add an extra 10 to 15 days to it.... so in short 1 and a half month of total crap time.........
And you knw the effect that these 45 days has on an individual..... I will give you my example.. hope you would not laugh... but I guess..anyways..........
Well first comes the difficulty of getting into the exam mode.... since most of us are used to the last minute cramming and these being an engineering subject....which actually cant be crammed.. so at the end of the day we tend to break all laws of the universe.... so wen we try to cram a noncrammable subject... the first thing you tend to loose is your power of thought...and thinking ability.... so we tend to mug up all so that agood answer is vomitted on the paper...
So after the exams the first thing you feel is lost... you have to suddenly come out of the trance to feel and think again.....it took me 4 days for it....
The 2nd thing you feel sleepy... suddenly you feel as if the whole world is devoid of a good sleep. You feel a typical sense of tiredness and a sense of drearyness that is killing.... I slept for almost 14 hours with only an hour gap in between....and you feel so cool after that my god.... sleep seems to be like a drug at that moment.....
But the worst thing I feel that happens to me during this time is that my waistelines starts to increase again... and I grow a little heavier again... all my efforts fot the Operation Reduction goes waste.. alll those crap food,tonnes of tea and coffee with sugar shows the effect....
And the biggest thing I feel I loose within this period is my creativity and vision... suddenly the world starts to seem to enoromous,unconquerable,evil and what not...... and it takes me sometime to revert back to my old state of naturalness and confidence.
Anyways,its one year more and I hope after that this chapter of my life shall be closed........
But why does such a thing take place..... is there any significance to it... this is the state of 80% of the engineering students country-wide.....
One of the basic facts that I believe that occurs is that Enginnering for most of us is an unknown adventure.... which actually gets worse as you happen to realize that there is no purpose or signifince out of it.
Moreover given the state of our education system,our professors ensure that we adapt a crap culture of mugging and vomitting in the exams.....
Engineering is essentially creativity,we are not knowledge creaters,rather we are the ones who create myriads of applications out of one single knowledge.... and creativiy cannot be put to use into something which you don't love and like.....
Given the rigidness of our education system,this is the common state of distress for most of us.
We don't happen to like what we are studying,we don't have any purpose of the subjects that we are studying, the question of 'WHY' of everything remains unanswered in everything.
Moreover we think something else before we come here and something else is found in the college and we go out with something else of this college. THe whole journey remains a wonder and once we are out of this Alice in Wonderland and into the open world,that is the time we get the real pain,the real shrug.
The real problem that we face is the lack of sense for direction,where we are going,what we are studying what we should be studying and all the stuff.
That's why I have called this post 'back from the wild goose chase' because that is the state of affairs in our lives at the moment.
Anywyas coming back to the main theme....
..is there a solution to this directionless life that we lead. There is.But we have to let go off certain good for the great,then only all the possibilities would exist otherwise,there is no chance,not a ray of hope,only disillusionment.This is something which is actually very tough and even as I say I too don't have the real ability to fight this off and come out a winner. But yes I am trying,and I hope to succeed in the near future......
till then
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Treading an unknown path
This is I think one of the most adventurous and revered thing that an individual would want to do in his lifetime.
Treading an unknown path.
We have living Histories of people like Steve Jobs and Bill gates who travelled that unknown path,broken myths,customs and everything and have become the most respected and feared people in the corporate world.
Yet both had dropped school in their college life.
Like them there are many more examples.Dhirubhai too is our best Indian examples and coupled with him are all those Gujaratis who have travelled that uncommon ways ands have set examples for those unknowns. If that was not all then there were people like who even got into the IIMs and IITs and did not think twice when they finally made up their mind to go anew and create that path which might take centuries to follow up again.
So what makes an individual take up such extreme steps. History is full of such examples. If we were to talk in terms of BC then there is always Aristotle to quote who despite eing from an aristrocratic background decided to go on his own.
In search of wilderness. maybe that describes them better. Steve Jobs,when he left the college didn't even know what he wanted. Though bill gates on the contrary always had a vision. He moved clear goal and a determined spirit. Yet he dropped out in his pre final year of his college.
Aristotle too went the same.
Yet they were all labelled insane. Yet in their course of insanity they changed History and became living Histories themselves.
The first thing that stikes me is why do they want to take such a step. The answer I guess lies in their individuality. It probably seems that they are born with a different set of traits,a soul that commands free will,never to be tied down to anything. A heart that is rebellious,which does not find any meaning in the commonly pursuits of a common mind.
While most other success stories that we have read have been a success of struggle,but these were the men who created histroy by choice and acknowledgement of giving up something that sounded the good.
One of the primary reason that I personally feel makes people take a different and an extreme route is in their satisfaction.Yes by satisfaction I mean pure and happy heart which is content of what it has creates with its soul.
Well what I mean to say here is for most people success is a relative term.For example when thousands of people are running after something which they think is good and one such individual who has won it comes out to be a success. But one problem that exists here is that this success was a relative term. He got here because others could not. So he feels proud not because he has achieved something rather because he has defeated many.It is the social sanction given by the society that makes him feel proud.
By treading a different path what I mean to say is to find that one thing that gives you the utmost happiness. I know everyone cannot be an entrepreneur in the true 16th century Italian sense, but yes what I know is that this question can only be answered by an individual who has gone thorugh the ordeal of trying to be an entrepreneur and finally been unsuccessful. The rest they die with the notion that If I could......'
More different from the dictionay meaning of entreprenuership,I would like o define it in a philosophical sense that it is trading an unkown path, a path that leads to you ultimately and at the end of the road you find yourself.
A balance between the heart and the mind is inevitable though because as one treads the path he cannot and just cannot ignore the world inhabited by other men. Thats why Steve ?Jobs,even though he was successful, failed once in his lifetime but then he again rose and this time he remains a constant success.
The point is,in the initial haydays of the struggle,we should not be afraid of loosing something or anything,especially those which we have not achieved, but once we reach a stage of life where we have gained something,we seriously cannot think of loosing it again. No wonder Warren Buffet says: "The first rule is to never lose money and the second rule is to never forget the first."
Remember,if at this moment of your life if you are striving for success, you cannot remain in the loop if what frightens you is the cake that you are going at he end, but yes once you have found your path,achieved something,then you should always remember that there are many sitting there who would want to eat your cake even if it does not matter that it would give them satisfaction and hat the cake is of their taste.Since they have never cared to find what their taste is like,they will continue to get jealous of yo because they see you enjoying your cake and they come to terms to the fact that your cake must be something special.
Anyways more on this later.