After much anticipation and a lot of hard work,here it is I have finally been able to bring to u a small interview which I did with Miss Tapasee Pannu,the finalist of Pond's Femina Miss India 2008 Beauty pageant and also the proud winner of the two titles : Pond's Femina Miss Beautiful Skin and Pantaloon's Femina Miss Fresh Face. Let me tell you this girl has been very busy off late,apart from the hectic shooting schedules to beauty pageants,she also has a four year Engineering degree to cover. Ok without any further wastage of time, I present here the interview with Tapasee Pannu. Just see in what hurry she had to finish writing the answers and I tend to write it as it is so as to preserve originality. I have decoded it later in brackets for the lesser mortals to understand.

Here is the interview:Me> Congratulations Tapsi,on your winning the two titles at PFMI'08,so how are you feeling now?
Tapsi.> gr8, atleast i dint cum bak empty handed. i got 2 really imp sub titles n m happy fr it.
(Great,atleast I didn't come back empty handed,I got two really important sub titile and I I am very happy for it.)
Me.> Tell us a little about your experience at PFMI Contest.
Tapsi.> It was an interesting xperience... full of ups n downs.... thr were days wen i was really
happy n thr were days wen i felt like cumin bak, leavin everythin.we had 14 xperts to
train us n no doubt it was a gr8 learnin xperience.d most imp thing was, dat v had 2 live n
adjust wid 28 strangers.grls who nt only came frm diffrnt parts of d country n d world bt
also frm diffrnt kinds of in all its an xperience to treasure.
(It was an interesting experience,full of ups and downs.There were days when I was really happy and there were days when I felt like coming back,leaving everything.We had 14 experts to train us and no doubt it was a great learning experience,the most important was that we had to live and adjust with 28 strangers.Girls who not only came from different parts of the country and the world but also from different kinds of background. So in all its an experience to treasure.)
Me.>Sounds interesting indeed.Are you happy now?
Tapsi>m happy fr what i got, il b happier if v get d international crowns back, nly den il believe dat grls who were chosen over many others were actually worthed, coz at d end of d day nothin is more imp than gettin d crowns back.
(I am happy for what I got,I will be happier if we get the international crowns back,only then I will believe that girls who were chosen over many others were actually worth it,because at the end of the day nothing is more important than getting the crown back.)
Me.>That was quite philosophical indeed.So when did it strike you that you wanted to be a model after being in a very traditional Engineering College?
Tapsi>i always like to try diffrnt things in my life dat is why m always keen on doin everythin
dats nt xpected out of me.i luv being unpredictable.and whats more unpredictable than
goin fr d biggest pageant of d country while studyin fr one of d toughest degree.
(I always like to try different things in my life that is why I am always keen on doing everything that is not expected out of me.I love being unpredictable and what more unpredictable than going for the biggest pageant of the country while studying for one of the toughest degree.)
Me.>Truly indeed.A very inspiring message.That reminds me of the fact that Priyanka Chopra was a Computer Science and Engineering student too before she became Miss World but she discontinued it later.You almost repeated the same feat.But I guess you shall complete your degree.Anyways was it difficult convincing your parents?
Tapsi>it was difficult initially wen i started modellin bt wid my success n d output of my wrk, de
were pretty convinced and by the time of miss india they were e1 more enthu than me
(It was difficult initially when I started modelling but with my success and the output of my work they were pretty convinced and by the time of Miss India Contest,they were even more enthusiastic than me )
Me.>So how did you begin on your hallowed path of modelling?
Tapsi>as i mentioned b4 dat i always end up doin sumthin which isnt xpected out of me, same
goes fr modellin as well. nothin was pre planned, i had no support or acquaintances in d
industry, i jst went fr gg4 auditions n to my suprise i got selected frm delhi amongst all d
other models who were already in2 dis field since long. after dat i thot of givin it a serious
try, so got my folio made n den thr was no lookin bak.
(As I mentioned before that I had always ended up doing something which isn't expected out of me,same goes for modelling as well.Nothing was pre-planned.I had no support or acquaintances in the industry,I just went for gg4 auditions and to my surprise,I got selected from Delhi amongst all the other models who were into this field since long. After that I thought of giving it a serious try,so got my folio made and then there was no looking back.)
Me.>Eureka! That was surely an icredible discovery.You really belong to that world of glamor.I am sure Engineering is happy of loosing you gradually(a joke). Any obstacles you faced?
Tapsi>d nly obstacle i face is coz of my studies, bt i dnt consider it as an obstacle, its jst a speed
breaker fr me 2 realize dat i need 2 slow down as my focus is my educational career and
not d media world.
(The only obstacle I face is because of my studies,but I don't consider it as an obstacle,its just a speed breaker for me to realize that I need to slow down as my focus is my educational career and not the media world.)
Me.> So how do you feel in this stage of your career?
Tapsi>i dunno if m in frnt or nt bt m happy fr whatevr ive dun in 10 months.m proud of myself.
(I don't know if I am in front or not but I am happy for whatever I have done in 10 months. I am proud of myself)
Me.>What are your passions Tapsi?
Tapsi>apart frm dancin wen i think bout my passion i feel dat 1 noticably diffrnt thing bout me is dat no matter wtevr i do in life, completin it successfully becums my passion.
(Apart from dancing, when I think about my passion I feel that one noticeably different thing about me is that no matter whatever I do in life,completeing it successfully becomes my passion)
Me> Thats like a true Leo speaking and thats the way it should be.So what are future plans,Bollywood maybe or modelling to be continued?
Tapsi>my future plans r very clear, il complete my n den go fr mba, il continue modellin side by side as i hate a monotonous life.(My future plans are very clear,I will complete my b. tech and then go for an MBA, I will continue modelling side by side as I hate a monotonous life.)Me.>Any message you would like to give to your admirers and to those who are inspired by you? dream it, nly den u cn achieve it.
Tapsi>life is too short 2 b wasted in jst thinkin bout doin things n later on regret on d fact dat u cudnt do it. go fr it, live life, king size!
(life is too short to be wasted in just thinking about doing things and later on regret on the fact that you couldn't do it. Go for it,live life king size!)
Truly indeed. Thank You Tapsi.All the best for your future.
So Ladies and Gentlemen that was Tapasee Pannu for you,Pantaloon's Femina Miss Fresh Face and Safi Miss Beautiful skin,winners of the two titles at PFMI 2008. Hope it must have inspired you also to bring out the best in you.